It can be enhanced by adding program logic for the desired datatype. 当为所期望的数据类型添加程序逻辑后,该程序功能可得到加强。
This tactic requires that you review what the base OS kernel provides or advises in terms of designing the use of semaphores within your program logic. 这种策略要求您了解基本操作系统内核提供的机制,并在程序逻辑中利用这些机制设计信号量使用方法。
Potentially, it is starting to look like difficult program logic to debug. 这就变成难以调试的程序逻辑了。
The first steps, then, will be to define the variables and record layouts, with the program logic coming later. 然后,首先要做的就是定义变量和记录布局,然后是程序逻辑。
You can use this to follow the program logic and see relationships among subsystems. 您可以利用它来跟踪程序逻辑,并可以查看子系统之间的相互关系。
The entire relational data processing is based on these encapsulated SQL statements, and they are significant portions of the program logic. 整个关系数据处理都是基于这些封装的SQL语句的,它们是程序逻辑的重要组成部分。
Another way to use Quantify, besides performance analysis, is to gain a better understanding of program logic and operation. 除了性能分析之外,另一种使用Quantify的方法是获取对程序逻辑和操作更好的理解。
Often, it requires a considerable amount of debugging and investigation to understand mistakes in your program logic and design that are causing memory errors. 通常,它需要相当多的调试和调查来了解导致内存错误的程序逻辑和设计。
With the subroutines in place, the main program logic will allow the user to create a tone sequence, or will run in daemon mode to listen for tones and execute commands. 子例程就绪后,主程序逻辑将允许用户创建音调序列,或以守护进程模式运行来侦听音调命令和执行命令。
The main program logic first turns buffered output off. 主程序逻辑首先关闭了缓冲输出。
Refer to the attached source files for complete details about the program logic ( see Download). 要了解完全的程序逻辑细节,请参阅所附的源文件(请参阅下载)。
The main program logic above searches for letter and number strings matching our simplistic criteria. 上面的主程序逻辑将搜索匹配简单标准的字母和数字字符串。
The "error" type unambiguously reflects a defect in the program logic: Purify is reporting a program bug and that's what you need to hear. “错误”类型很明显反映了这个程序逻辑中的缺陷:Purify报告了一个程序的错误,那也正是您所想要的。
It's used as a placeholder when a statement is required, but the program logic doesn't require an action. 它用作一个占位符,即在需要一个语句,但是程序逻辑不需要操作时使用。
You can do that several ways, but they have one thing in common: they're all based on the introduction of a proper object model that handles the program logic instead of trying to capture all the code in the if statement. 这可以通过几种方式来实现,但它们有一个共同点:它们都引入了恰当的对象模型,该模型处理程序逻辑而不是捕捉if语句中的所有代码。
Rule of Representation: Fold knowledge into data so that program logic can be stupid and robust. 表示原则:把知识放在数据中,这样程序逻辑就可以又蠢又壮。
It can become hard to find the actual program logic in all that error recovery code. 在大量错误复原代码中,很难发现实际的程序逻辑。
That is, chunking is based either on existing markup of grammatical components, or is something you add manually& or semi-automatically using regular expressions and program logic. 也就是说,分块工作的进行,或者基于语法成分的已有标志,或者基于您手工添加的或者使用正则表达式和程序逻辑半自动生成的标志。
In this section, a number of common types of program logic error that lead to Java heap memory leaks are described. 在这一部分中,将介绍导致Java堆内存泄漏的许多常见的程序逻辑错误类型。
With our subroutines set up, we move quickly into the short main program logic. 设置了子程序后,我们将快速转入简短的主程序逻辑。
For some replacements, you may need to change the program logic or linkage statements. 对于某些替换,需要修改程序逻辑或链接语句。
It could also be requested by program logic. 程序逻辑也可以请求取消。
Now we're ready for the main program logic, as shown below. 这时,我们可以开始编写主要的程序逻辑了,如下所示。
The workload of exception handling development is heavy, with complex program logic. 面向服务软件异常处理的开发工作量大且程序逻辑复杂。
If your program logic depends on any of that additional code, you should probably avoid short-circuiting operators. 如果程序逻辑依赖于任何这些附加代码,您可能应该避免使用短路运算符。
Flowcharts are popular because they graphically represent the program logic through a series of standard geometric symbols and lines connected according to the logic of the algorithm. 流程图是最普及的,因为它通过一系列标准的图形符号和线条,按算法的逻辑相联接,形象地表达了程序的逻辑结构。
Man-machine inter-facial can program logic control, pneumatic, servo motor drive, advanced sterilizing and asepsis keeping. 人机界面,可编程控制、气动、伺服电机驱动,先进的杀菌与无菌保障。
The copper clad laminate automation system is designed and realized by using Program Logic Controler ( PLC). 简要阐述了用可编程控制器(PLC)实现对铜箔覆胶机自动控制的方法。
The loop structure is used to represent the program logic when a portion of the program is to be executed repeatedly until a particular condition is met. 循环结构用于这样一种程序逻辑,表示一部分程序将被反复执行直到满足特定的条件。